31 mar 2021
There will be up to 300 police on the streets and beaches over the long Easter weekend, using persuasion and control to stop gatherings that don’t meet current health requirements
31 mar 2021
To celebrate World Colorectal Cancer day the Plaza de España has been lit up in blue
25 mar 2021
Due to restrictions and the impossibility of staging the Good Friday street theatre, local and national television and social networks will rebroadcast the event from a previous year
24 mar 2021
The event included participants from the Canaries, Azores, Madeira, Cape Verde, Senegal and Mauritania
24 mar 2021
Programme of events
24 mar 2021
Professional training institutes, the University of La Laguna and other education bodies have agreements in place to assist students from Adeje
24 mar 2021
Level 3 restrictions in place
16 mar 2021
On the occasion of World Social Work Day Rodríguez Fraga highlights this service as essential during the health crisis