11 jul 2024
Adeje’s department of economic development launches a new course training those in danger of social exclusion, in partnership with the construction foundation industry
20 jun 2024
The centre is being renovated and will be doubling its capacity from 90 to 180
18 jun 2024
The work carried out by the staff focused on improving the urban spaces of the municipality
3 jun 2024
The talks, in Spanish, under the title “La Sinfonía del mañana” will be on the morning of June 13th in the Adeje Auditorium
14 may 2024
The new plan will work to meet the demands of a growing population here
30 apr 2024
56 establishments registered for the campaign and 898 people bought vouchers
16 apr 2024
This fair will last for a week, happening in different locations around the town
16 apr 2024
ULL, ULPGC, Adeje and San Bartolomé de Tirajana work together to co-ordinated their schedules