Economy   Pág. 27 de 37
23 sep 2021
The awards, an initiative of the Adeje council, is backed up with a scientific guarantee from the University of La Laguna and the Institute of Tropical Diseases
3 sep 2021
The future has to be greener!
27 aug 2021
The project underlines the importance of cooperation across public bodies
3 aug 2021
This is a joint initiative between Adeje and the Cruz Roja (Red Cross)
3 aug 2021
This is a course, in Spanish, to learn about the use of large amounts of data.
27 jul 2021
Registration for new courses runs from July 27th to August 2nd
21 jul 2021
English speaker wanted
12 jul 2021
Each successful applicant may receive €2,000, the objective being to reactivate the sector and re-create jobs. Applications can be made from July 13th to 26th