12 people have completed the ‘Adeje Recuperación’ (recovery) project

The initiative has two aims – jobs and training for those at risk of social exclusion and renovation of homes for those who have few resources

11 march 2022
Adeje council’s department of employment, under councillor Manuel Luís Mendez Martín and Raquel Rodríguez Alonso, in partnership with the Red Cross, have overseen the finishing of the ‘Adeje Recuperación’ project which had two main goals – employment for individuals at risk of social exclusion and who would benefit from training to increase their future job prospects, and helping residents whose homes were in need of repair or renovation but didn’t have the resources to do so.  These people would have been assessed by the Adeje social services department.  The project was overseen by the Cruz Roja (Red Cross) with a technical and training team on hand, financed by the council. 
Councillor Raquel Alonso said, “This has been a most interesting project given the parallel needs being met, and what we are also doing is facilitating people to help others in the borough.”
The courses began in September 2021 with the workers receiving relevant training in aspects relating to the renovation works they were to carry out. They began work on 19 homes selected by the department of community welfare, repairing damp walks, renovating bathrooms to improve accessibility, fixing cracks in walls, upgrading and weather-proofing roofs, facades, etc. 
In parallel with the work and training, the workers were also attending courses in gender equality in the workplace, family financing, waste management, etc.  At the end of the course they remarked on how they felt their future job prospects would have improved given the training and work completed. Each person who completed the course was given a diploma and a basic masonry kit.