29 may 2020
The council is continuing to ask the public to use common sense so that the beaches and bathing areas don’t become infection zones
24 may 2020
The Council is calling on everyone to behave responsibly to ensure that beaches and bathing zones will not become infection hotspots
7 may 2020
The Municipal Consumers Office in Adeje can help
29 apr 2020
There are 4 phases on the road to de-escalation of the Covid-19 confinement
28 apr 2020
Yaiza Castilla, the regional tourism minister, has been talking to the tourism boroughs about the protocols that need to be agreed before we reopen the islands
27 apr 2020
The AMT, the national tourism borough association, met with Minister Maroto
16 apr 2020
Adeje’s residents will be able to check in real time what businesses are open or closed, the services they are offering, delivery options, where they are, opening hours and payment facilities