Leisure / Culture   Pág. 35 de 37
26 jun 2020
Summer time in your neighbourhood
20 jun 2020
The decision applies to the whole borough, meaning no bonfires either in private or public spaces
19 jun 2020
Capacity will be limited to 7 people and there will be two sessions, 8am to 11am and 11am to 2pm
18 jun 2020
The renewals can be presented online until June 26th and registrations for new students will be from July 6th to 17th
17 jun 2020
Registered users will receive an SMS in the coming days offering an appointment for renewal times
16 jun 2020
The Blue Flag is a distinction that recognises that beaches have met certain environmental and sanitation criteria
12 jun 2020
There are no salt carpets this year
30 may 2020
This plan is to support a sector that is particularly vulnerable during the state of emergency, and which represents 2% of the GDP of the Canarias