#education   Pág. 4 de 10
3 apr 2023
The event was held to show educators the advantages of taking part in FP Dual courses
15 mar 2023
The event is running until March 17th in the CDTCA, with a huge range of professional and learning options at different levels
15 mar 2023
María Clavijo...“the development of critical thinking in our young people is fundamental"
10 mar 2023
The Abinque prize is given annually to an individual or groups who have worked to advance equality in our society
24 feb 2023
The course, Classroom, will be offered free in the borough during March
21 feb 2023
The project is a tool to help the education community work on series of activities and use available resources
14 feb 2023
The UOP is for over 18s who want to improve their professional qualifications
7 feb 2023
From the start of the project they have helped 235 people