15 may 2024
Adeje Town Hall seeks to promote family coexistence with the Lazos Project and specifically with a campaign for 5th and 6th class primary students
7 may 2024
The conference takes place on the 7th, 8th and 9th of May in the Adeje Auditorium
2 may 2024
The workshops, totally free of charge, are part of the "Lazos" programme developed by the department of social and community welfare
22 apr 2024
The training programme, which was developed by Adeje’s department of communications, aims to help develop the reading and writing skills of young people
16 apr 2024
ULL, ULPGC, Adeje and San Bartolomé de Tirajana work together to co-ordinated their schedules
28 feb 2024
The programme seeks to provide complementary support to formal education services
9 feb 2024
The AIRE project will be part of an inclusive education plan, aiming to tackle truancy and enhance the academic performance of students
5 feb 2024
Puig will give a public talk on Thursday 8th February in the Adeje Auditorium. Tickets are available on the platform www.tomaticket.es