Adeje council promote the Geyser Programme: the power of knowledge

The programme seeks to provide complementary support to formal education services

28 february 2024
The Adeje Department of Education under councillors Adolfo Alonso Ferrera and Coraima Afonso Navarro, is promoting an educational programme: ‘Geyser:  la fuerza del conocimiento (the power of knowledge).  The aim of the programme is to give students the tools to allow them to broaden their knowledge.
The programme’s activities are linked to different areas and take into consideration the resources of the municipality, both natural and existing infrastructures, for example the new auditorium, sports facilities, and the municipal radio, through participatory interactive methods.
"This program is a transversal proposal, that is to say, all the council departments are contributing ideas for its development, and bit by bit different activities will be incorporated, the idea being to favour integrating education for the students, widening their cultural horizons and preparing them for an adult role in society. The programme will work at all educational stages, from play school to high school," said the councillors. 
Among the activities already planned are guided walks along Adeje’s heritage trails, road safety, workshops on Canarian traditions, training in equality education, creative writing, and reading and meeting with authors.  Some students will have the chance to be a journalist for a day, others will take part in healthy cookery classes, and there will also be a class dealing with the prevention of eating disorders.
The Geyser Project was launched at the beginning of this academic year and has been well received by the different educational communities of the municipality's schools.