Over 200 students receive tech aid grants courtesy of Adeje council

Each student received 730 euros for the purchase and renewal of such material

23 january 2024
Over 200 young people have benefited from grants for technological material from the Adeje council’s education department, under Councillor Coraima Afonso Navarro.   She commented, "The council has allocated €150,000 euros for this programme, meaning that, together with the scholarships for school supplies and transport, we will be investing about €300,000 euros of the departmental annual budget to aid our students. “
Students from Adeje who are studying at third level (university and vocational courses) have been able to apply for the grant aid, receiving €730 euros for the purchase and upgrade of technological material.
 "Our commitment to education goes beyond our obligations as a council, we understand that investing in education is, without a doubt, a responsible, important, and necessary commitment".
In addition to the aid for technological equipment and school supplies, there will soon be subsidies for transport, and the department also invests annually in ‘Reform, Extension and Improvement Works’ (RAM), representing a significant investment in public schools.