Educational reinforcement during the summer months

A group of 30 young people took part, combining educational and recreational activities

6 september 2023
Adeje’s department of education, under councillors Adolfo Alonso Ferrera and Coraima Afonso Navarro, initiated a programme adapting educational reinforcement and social skills programmes,  focused on school performance during the summer period. A group of 30 young people took part in this initiative, which combined educational and recreational activities. 
The two councillors agreed that "studying in summer can help students to maintain their commitment to learning, prepare for future academic challenges, and make the most of their time in a productive way while enjoying a more relaxed atmosphere".
The activities used the experiences of the students as motivation to establish good communications within the group, promoting the importance of values and respect. At the same time, the students were able to have some fun and learn new skills, through arts and crafts, sports games, beach activities, educational competitions, etc. 
Activities were based in the Armeñime cultural centre, from Monday to Friday in the mornings, and also included active participation in the village itself and teamwork events.