Adeje has recognised groups that were on the front line during the first months of Covid-19

José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga: “when the chips are down is when we see the best in people”

31 march 2023
A few days ago in the Costa Adeje Centre for Tourism Development, the CDTCA, Adeje council held an event to pay tribute to the associations and institutions who worked on the front line during the Covid-19 pandemic. 
According to Mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga “there aren’t really words or gestures that say enough to thank the hundreds of people who, during the worst times of the pandemic, were to the forefront, ensuring everything that had to function was working.  Thanks to their efforts we were able to get through one of the hardest periods in recent times.  Tonight we recognise the work of these and many more anonymous individuals who worked so we could all get ahead”.
Among the groups who were awarded were the security forces and different police bodies, the fire brigade, the civil protection unit and emergency services.  EMSA, the Adeje municipal services body was also thanked, as were, Entemanser, Imegal, Limpiezas Domínguez, la UTE Adeje Ascan Torrabonaf and the Adeje taxi co-op.
Workers in supermarkets such as  Mercadona, Hiperdino, Tu Trébol, the local education centres - Adeje Casco, Armeñime, Las Torres, Fañabé, Los Olivos, Tijoco Bajo, Colegio Costa Adeje, IES Adeje, and IES El Galeón were also recognised.
Other groups who made an on-going difference included staff in the sports, youth, education and cultural departments, the home help service, Radio Sur Adeje, the Communications Department,  Arca De Noé, the Adeje food bank, the Walk for Life foundation, Cáritas, Cruz Roja, the Rotary club, Mensajeros De La Paz, Nadie Sin Comer, social services, the senior citizens home, the Adeje health services and the staff from the H10 Costa Adeje Palace who were the first team to have to deal with an outbreak of the virus.