Pupils from the Adeje E20 (second opportunity course) are ‘journalists for a day’

The students saw, first hand, how the different arms of communications work

14 february 2022
Students from the Adeje –E20, school of second opportunities, have been taking part in a ‘journalist for a day’ project in the Adeje department of communication, with councillor Adolfo Alonso Ferrera overseeing the programme, as the pupils experienced how the different arms of the communications world work. 
The aim of the project, said the councillor, “is to equip the students with the educational tools they need to improve their reading and audio-visual use introducing them to the media we use here in communication – the written word, audio-visual components, and language options.  The students visited the radio station, sat in on production meetings and saw how we use photography, drone footage, social media etc.” 
During the visit the students met all those working in different branches of the communications areas and spoke to the workers who outlined their duties on a daily basis. The students also took part in a press conference where they were able to quiz well-known chef Pablo Pastor and the councillor for the area, Adolfo Alonso Ferrera.