José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga outlines Adeje’s measures in place to combat the current crisis to consular representatives, asks for their help in reviving tourism

The mayor met with 19 consular representatives and asked them about the health and welfare of their nationals living here

10 september 2020
The Adeje mayor, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, received a large consular delegation this morning with consuls based here and in Las Palmas travelling to Adeje, headed up by the current spokesperson, Francisco Perera, the Slovakian consul.
The aim of the meeting was to exchange information, firstly as to the health and safety of foreign residents – with over 110 nationalities living in Adeje many were represented at the meeting.  The members of the consular bodies were interested in the measures that Adeje has taken both to combat the spread of Covid as well as to alleviate the economic crisis. There was particular interest in the social emergency situation which many are experiencing too.
The mayor was accompanied by the councillor for tourism, Adolfo Alonso Ferrara, and the economic development Raquel Rodríguez, and they requested the consuls present to stress to their nationals the need to follow the in-place health and security measures.  The mayor outlined the current statistics relating to the pandemic in the borough.  He also asked for their cooperation in continuing to promote a positive image of the destination to generate new confidence in travelling to Adeje.
The countries represented: Uruguay, the Czech Republic, Peru, Norway, Italy, Hungary, Ecuador, Belgium, Germany, Romania, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Honduras, Denmark, Argentina, Finland, Slovakia and Lithuania.
The countries with the most foreign nationals resident in Adeje are Italy, the UK, Russian, Romania and Germany.