#maria clavijo maza   Pág. 4 de 9
7 jun 2022
The council has already held a number of meetings with different associations and collectives
1 jun 2022
The exams will be held from June 8 to 11th in the Las Torres Pavilion and the Centre for Citizen Participation in Las Nieves
24 may 2022
The visits were under the TREEMAC project umbrella
13 may 2022
During the day participants debated family difficulties and separation
22 apr 2022
The activities are part of the XIX Adeje Book Fair which finishes this weekend
20 apr 2022
The exhibition is part of Adeje Book Week and is in the Convento San Francisco
19 apr 2022
This is part of the range of activities in Adeje during the XIX Book Fair
15 apr 2022
The hybrid cinema/live action format was very well received by the public and social media followers