Adeje approves its second Equality Plan

This initiative aims to promote equal opportunities between women and men in the municipality

7 june 2024
At a recent plenary session Adeje Town Council voted to approve the II Equal Opportunities Plan (PIOA), with the support of the PSOE, CC and Podemos.  The plan, which works to promote equal opportunities between men and women in the municipality of Adeje, is currently open for public scrutiny for a month, and submissions may be online prior to the plan’s full and final approval.
Health and quality of life councillor Esther Rivero Vargas, responsible for defending the approval of this plan before the plenary session, said the plan was “a set of measures based on the diagnosis of the local situation which will allow us to achieve real equality and eliminate gender discrimination.  We would work to achieve this through a series of initiatives that transform our society into a more equitable one”. The councillor stressed that “Adeje is a municipality that promotes equality and uses it as a tool for improvement, and the innovation of public services for the public”. 
The PIOA, in addition to promoting equality between women and men, seeks to promote the application of the gender perspective within each municipal area/company, prioritising different actions and instruments, which allow progress to be made in eliminating existing inequality gaps.  The plan will also look at acceleration in seeking effective results in the short term in the areas where there is most inequality.
The PIOA will evolve along five strategic lines, which will involve the creation of fourteen programmes and 56 specific actions.  The actions listed in each strategic line include the contributions made by the groups and individuals who have participated in the process of drawing up the 2nd PIOA.  They are (translated) ‘Adeje integrating equality and diversity’, ‘Adeje committed to care’, ‘Adeje free of male violence’, ‘Adeje health and quality of life with a gender focus’ and ‘Adeje integrating equality in governance’.

The origin of the Equality Plan
The II Adeje Equality Plan is the result of a diagnostic approach to examining the current situation of equality between women and men, which determined that there is a glass ceiling approach in many areas in Adeje for women who find it difficult to advance in their work sphere or to access certain jobs.  Achieving real equality takes time and commitment, both on the part of the public administration and the people of Adeje. The tools to allow people to combine work and family life is essential in the promotion of the potential of women and men in Adeje, which in turn favours the economic development of the municipality, seeing it grow and improve on the basis of equality.
The protection and valuing of diversity is also part of achieving real equality among the population of Adeje, as well as responding to more specific needs. In addition, the needs expressed by people with reduced mobility to be able to move around the municipality in its different neighbourhoods (pavements, paths, building access etc.) are also part of this diagnosis. 
Based on this diagnosis, the guiding principles of the II Plan for Equal Opportunities in Adeje are classed into five areas: Gender approach and intersectionality, empowerment, dual strategies, participation, innovation and attention to diversity.