Third and fourth class students participated in the "Juego, luego aprendo" (I play, then I learn) Olympics
5 april 2024
The Adeje School Olympics "Juego, luego aprendo" (I play, then I learn) took place on Thursday, April 4 and Friday, April 5 at the Las Torres Sports Pavilion. Students from 3rd and 4th classes from the Las Torres, Fañabe and Tijoco Bajo Primary schools were the main protagonists in the different educational and sports activities over the two days. The aim was to encourage healthy living and tolerance in society.
This initiative has been created as part of the "Geyser" project, which is a multi-departmental programme promoting integrated education for all the students taking part, and working to broaden their cultural horizons and respect for differences. These games are the result of the collaboration of the departments of Education, Wellfare, Health, and Sports, areas overseen by councillors Coraima Afonso Navarro, Raquel Rodríguez Alonso, Ether Rivero Vargas and Adolfo Alonso Ferrera.
Over the two-day event students played wheelchair tennis, soccer, basketball, took part in a sack race, tackled a Canary Islands geography knowledge test, tic-tac-toe, dance, nutritional information etc. The games were developed in a ten-station course, with one activity for each station.
An additional learning experience related to diversity and social inclusion was provided by the participation of users of the Los Olivos Diversity Centre for people with special needs.