Education has designed a course to assist parents and carers help their children with online work at home

The course, Classroom, will be offered free in the borough during March

24 february 2023
The Adeje department of education, under Councillor María Clavijo Maza, is offering a course on the operation and use of Classroom to assist in digital education at home.  The course is designed to help parents and carers with responsibility for younger children, who need to use this new educational tool which was introduced to education centres as a result of Covid 19.
The course lasts 10 hours in total, is an in-person course and divided into five sessions of two hours each.  Classes are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from March 20th to 29th, 5pm – 7pm, in the Citizens Participation Centre.  Registration for the course can be done through this link: 
The course is divided into four blocks:
Online learning, focus and family organisation
Supervision and monitoring the academic progress of the student
Parental control of information
Mobile apps and conclusions
In the first block the group will examine the needs and challenges of online education for children.  Aims and objectives will be established to help in online learning, working hours and effective study methods. They will also explore how to build lines of communication within the family for learning, and learn techniques for motivation and positive reinforcement to help their children maintain focus and stay committed to their school work.
The second block will work on methods for supervision and monitoring the academic progress of the child online, how to deal with problems such as distraction, procrastination, and will also help the parents learn how to teach children more self-control and independent learning methods. 
The third part of the course will look at control of information through mobile apps, show parents and carers who to control and supervise the flow of digital information the children may be receiving.