Adeje is rolling out a new tourism strategy

How do you see tourism evolving in Adeje?

17 february 2023
Adeje’ department of tourism, under councillor Adolfo Alonso Ferrera, is working on a new updated strategy for Costa Adeje and is looking for input and the opinion of those working in the sector. 
The plan involved creating an overall diagnostic of Costa Adeje which will highlight the needs of the different partners, and their expectations regarding input from the public administration.  To create this the department will be using various consultation tools, including an online questionnaire (in Spanish) directed at local businesses, and will also be hosting group talks for those directly and indirectly involved in tourism. 
“The plan will be created in partnership with the consultative company Innovaris S.L. and the different actions will run until the end of March, when the department will be able to obtain conclusions and results from the different consultations”, commented the councillor.  “We are invited everyone to take part and assist us in finding out the perceptions different businesses have in the evolution of tourism in Costa Adeje” 
Anyone involved in the sector is invited to take part online here: