Staff of the Bahía Príncipe Sunlight Costa Adeje Hotel has donated more than 5,000k of food stuffs to the Adeje food bank

The initiative was organised by the staff unions in the hotel

2 january 2023
Staff of the Bahía Príncipe Sunlight Costa Adeje Hotel has donated more than 5000 kilos of food stuffs to the Adeje food bank.  The imitative was organised by the staff unions in the hotel to assist families in need at this time.  Distribution is handled by the Adeje Social Services department who are working directly with people who are struggling to get by. 
The councillor overseeing the municipal food bank, José Antonio López Delgado, said, “this is indeed a donation without precedent as is the solidarity shown by the hotel staff, people who work in tourism, a sector badly hit by the pandemic, and still, even as they work to recover themselves, have not forgotten that others may need a hand to move on. This is a fantastic gesture”.
The staff of the Bahía Príncipe Sunlight Costa Adeje Hotel made the collections over a two-week period, taking care that the foodstuffs were long-life and including baby foods and personal hygiene products, also very much in need.