Applications for grants for school transport and third level studies are now being accepted

These grants are being allocated by the Adeje department of education

28 september 2021

The Adeje department of education, under Councillor María Clavijo Maza, are currently accepting applications for grants for school transport and assistance for third-level students from Adeje, and will do so until October 20th.  The council has allocated up to €220,000 for the grants and full details are on the council’s webpage,

Clavijo Mazo says, “The aim is to help those families who need financial assistance in furthering the education of their children, and even more so now as many homes have suffered the economic backlash of the pandemic.  The transport grant is, we feel, vital for Adeje students who have to travel distances to attend school, especially those who the regional department have said are not in the ‘preferente’ category.”

Applications, along with all the necessary documentation, can be brought along in person to the department of education, situated in the basement of the Adeje Cultural Centre, by the Plaza Hermano Pedro, appointments should be made online first. Alternatively if you have a digital certificate you can apply through the Adeje webpage. 

For those applying for transport grants, the student must be on the Adeje ‘padrón’, and studying at second or third level (including vocational and professional training) for the 2021-22 academic year.  This includes students who may have been denied school transport by the regional education department as ‘non-preferential’.

As well as identity documents applicants will also need to bring show documentation indicating the monthly family income, rental or mortgage costs, etc.  There is also a bank transfer document, the ‘modelo de alta a terceros’ which can be downloaded from the municipal webpage.

For third level students there are grants to alleviate costs of transport, living expenses, books and material acquisition costs and registration costs.  Full details and conditions are on
