Adeje will open their beaches in a phased manner during next week

The Council is calling on everyone to behave responsibly to ensure that beaches and bathing zones will not become infection hotspots

24 may 2020
Following the approval of Order SND/440/2020, dated May 23rd, under which the Canary Islands has passed to Phase 2 of the de-escalation, and following meetings with technicians and the companies operating the concessions, Adeje council will open up the coastline in a phased manner next week. This gradual reopening over the coming days should mean that by next Friday all of the borough’s beaches will be open.
The decision is reflective of the prudence and precautions that have characterised the manner in which the council have managed this health crisis from the start.  The priority is and has been the health and safety of the people and in that regard the council is calling upon everyone who will be going to the beach to behave responsibly.
The Adeje council wants to ensure that the return to the beaches is done in as relaxed a manner as possible within the new normality, and that everyone takes care of their health.  That’s why the council have decided to use information as a tool, calling on people in general to be responsible and use their common sense.  Under the slogan (translated) ‘Our destination needs you to behave responsibly’, the council will be reminding people that the way we act today in these public spaces will determine our future – firstly as regards the health of the population, secondly in how it might affect the economy of the borough.
The measures that Adeje council will implement along the beaches will include posters in different languages, information will be shared by megaphone too, and through this it is hoped that the beach users will become aware of the need for certain behaviours to help avoid any risk of infection or new outbreaks of the virus.  Smoking on the beach is now forbidden, pets cannot come to the beach either (as has always been the case), showers and foot showers may not be used, you can’t bring a portable fridge either (though snacks will be permitted). Ball play and lilos are also not allowed at this time of the de-escalation, and use of a towel on the beach is mandatory.  There will be no sunbed hire until the protocols regarding cleaning and disinfection are in place to ensure hygienic safety for all users, as well as for the environment.  It is also recommended that no-one is on the beach for more than two to three hours, to avoid overcrowding and to allow all those who wish to use the beach to do so in safety and without risk.  Everyone is reminded that social distancing between people and family units is the main tool by which we can avoid the spread of Covid-19.
The conditions under which the beaches can open are cleanliness, safety and maintenance, as well as the implementation of the anti-Covid 19 measures established by the department and the regional government to avoid, as much as possible, any infections. Remember that the beaches (apart from a few exceptions) have not been cleaned since the start of the period of confinement. In recent weeks the borough’s water company have been carrying out an analysis of all the beaches and bathing zones ahead of their possible reopening, and all of the results have confirmed that the waters are suitable for bathing.
Regarding security, do remember that the lifeguard services will only be available from 10am to 6pm, and some bathing areas do not have a lifeguard service, and that will be pointed out in posters which will be going up over the coming days. 
From tomorrow, Monday May 25th, recreational use of the following beaches, already open for sports and walking, will be allowed – Fañabe beach, La Enramada beach, and the La Caleta sport zone.  When the rest of the beaches and bathing areas have been thoroughly cleaned and security measures are in place they will also be opened.  It is important to remember that the central government decree was published yesterday and all of the measures cannot be implemented immediately, as in some cases there are procedures to be observed to ensure safety and security, in the decisions taken and in how they are to be carried out. 
The opening of the beaches was originally announced for the start of Phase 3 of the de-escalation but was brought forward by the government, but still must be executed with caution and prudence. 
The Adeje council is not ruling out the introduction of new measures in future weeks regarding the beach use by the public.