The budget incorporates €14.6 million to fund the fight against the crisis generated by the pandemic, and was approved by all except the PP representative who abstained.
12 may 2020
Adeje held an extraordinary council session today to approve the 2020 budget figures. The meeting was held in the ex.Convento Franciscano de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y San Pablo, given that the normal council chamber is too small to accommodate a meeting under current health and safety measures.
The 2020 accounts for Adeje will increase to a total of €90.5million, with €88.4 million for costs, many to alleviate the effects of the pandemic on the local economy. For example €3.6million is for job training and to help small businesses and the self-employed, almost €2 million on social emergencies and €1.5 million on education.
The accounts and budget was passed by all the parties in the chamber save the member from the Partido Popular (PP) who abstained.
Before beginning the financial part of the meeting, the Adeje mayor called for a minute’s silence to remember all those who have died as a result of Covid-19, and then lead a round of applause for the women and men working in the health services, the security forces, cleaning staff and others in the public service that have worked through the days of the emergency to help those in crisis.