Water Sports in La Caleta

Adeje Council wishes to inform you:

5 may 2020
To meet the conditions laid down in Order SND/380/2020, dated April 30th, regarding the conditions under which you may do non-professional physical exercise, and Order SND/388/2020 dated May 3rd regarding the conditions under which you may practise professional, federation regulated and amateur SPORTS.
? Access to the La  Caleta zone is authorised for ATHLETES, professional, federation or amateur, where they would normally practise their sea sports, under the following conditions:
??Athletes must comply with the current set hours as established by the Central Government
?? Athletes may only practise their sport
?? Athletes must be in possession of a sporting accreditation (in the case of federated athletes)
?? Athletes must follow the recommendations as laid down by the federations and the safety practise guidelines as established by the Maritime Rescue service
?? Athletes must meet the Covid-19 prevention and hygiene conditions that have been established by the health authorities
?   We remind the public in general
?? Adeje’s beaches remain closed
?? Bathing in the sea is not permitted during this phase of de-escalation