The following is a summary of the points made by the Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez yesterday in his speech announcing the de-escalation plan for Spain.
• Each province will operate at their own rhythm, but all provincial de-escalation will be co-ordinated by the national government with the department of health playing a key role. “There will be no movement between provinces until we have arrived at the ‘new normality’”, hopefully by June.
• There are 4 phases, and passing from one to the next, usually after 2 weeks, will depend on the capacity of the regional health system, the epidemic situation, protection measures in public spaces, and data regarding mobility and the socio-economic situation.
• The de-escalation will be gradual, asymmetric and co-ordinated. The criteria and decisions made regarding each phase will be made public, so that everyone will be able to understand the reasons behind the decisions taken.
• During phase 0 adults will be able to do exercise out-of-doors, and some small shops may open to attend to the public but only via appointments. Restaurants can operate a take-away service. Professional athletes and federations can begin to train individually.
• During phase 1 some shops may open their doors under strict security conditions, but commercial centres will remain closed for now. Restaurants may open terraces with up to 30% occupation; hotels and tourist stay locations can open but have to keep communal zones closed. The fisheries and agricultural sector can resume under restrictions. Religious places of worship can open with limitations on numbers – up to a third of capacity. Sports centres may open for those in professional leagues, with hygiene and protection measures in place
• For those using public transport use of a face mask is “highly recommended”.
• During phase 2 restaurants and bars may open their inside zones with tables properly separated and only allowing up to a third capacity.
• Cinemas and theatres may also open allowing a third of normal audiences in pre-assigned seats. Conference and exhibition spaces may also open again allowing up to a third of the normal public permitted. Open air events may take place with a maximum of 400 audience seated.
• In phase 3 there will be increased mobility in general, with use of masks outside the home continuing to be recommended. Shops can allow more people in (up to 50%) with a strict 2 metre distance between people. Bars and restaurants will also have more relaxation of rules but must continue to observe separation measures.
• Each phase will last a minimum of 2 weeks, “so by the end of June we should have arrived at the new normality if the evolution of the epidemic continues to be controlled in all territories”, said Sánchez.
• Most regions will see people allowed go for walks with family members with whom they share a house this weekend, but the islands of Formentera (Balearics) and La Gomera, El Hierro and La Graciosa (the Canary Islands) can go straight to phase 1 from May 4th, given their low incidence of contagion. Most other regions can begin phase 1 on May 11th all being well and according to plan.
• Schools won’t open again until September though some education centres may open during the summer to offer revision classes and the pre-university exams will be taking place too.
• Sanchez said that we, the public, are the ‘real protagonists’ in the next few months, and all will depend on our behaviour, our social discipline and individual responsibility. “Any irresponsible behaviour will prejudice everyone”, he said. He added that the de-escalation was “more dangerous and more difficult” than the confinement period, and reminded the public that “the virus hasn’t gone away”, and that until there is a vaccination we all have to remain cautious and prudent, and not put ourselves or other people risk through impatience.