Tourism timetable requested

The AMT, the national tourism borough association, met with Minister Maroto

27 april 2020

 The AMT, the alliance of tourist sun and beach boroughs, spoke last week with the national minister for tourism, Reyes Maroto, to discuss common issues and the seven particular áreas that they have identified as crucial on the path to a return to activity in the sector.


There are eight member boroughs in the AMT, Adeje, Arona, Benidrom, Calviá, Lloret del Mar, Salou, San Bartolomé de Tirajana (Maspalomas) anhd Torremolinos.  Together they have seen that there are seven specific areas that are essential in the path to a return to business in the sector. They are 1. Sanitation protocol and opening dates 2. Communication  3. Coordination and collaboration,  4. Work,  5. Finance, 6. Fiscal, 7. Transport/Connectivity.
In the most recent meeting the group asked the minister for a calendar of measures outlining the de-escalation of the confinement the country is currently undergoing, and the opening of the tourism sector.  They also underlined the importance of determining the protocols and communal guides that should be in place throughout Spain, protocols that are agreed among all and in parallel with the principal European markets, which might include health certificates/passports. 
All the member councils have also asked for more financial tools both to assist flexibility in costs locally, to access budget surpluses from 2019, as well as allowing them to accrue debt if necessary.   Local businesses and the self-employed also need, say the councils, to have dates and flexibility regarding local costs and taxes, and plans regarding rents, mortgages, employees, etc. 
Coordination with Europe is also, say the association, extremely important in the process of de-escalation of the lockdown – in terms of measures that will be taken regarding movement of people, aid for airline companies to assist in the reactivation of connectivity, and the overall economic health of the European community. These measures are of extreme importance for all, but in particular for island destinations.    Europe is also important as a source of financial assistance with the possible creation of tourism fund assistance packages as part of any urban sustainable funding allocations.
The question of the opening/use of beaches was also discussed and this has yet to be clarified, including the question of taxes and rates for those operating the beaches, use of beaches according to the Coastal laws, etc. 
Minister Maroto told the association she was working at European level in the coordination of measures regarding the industry and understood the urgency in making decisions, but reminded the association of the absolute necessity of following the health recommendations first and foremost to ensure the safety of the sector and of tourists who will be visiting in the future.  This, she says, in the key in re-establishing confidence in the destination. She said she would look forward to continued communication with the association to communicate the evolution of initiatives that will work so that the industry can start to move forward.
In conclusion the president of the AMT, the mayor of Benidorm Toni Pérez, said that historically Spain had been recognised as a leader in tourism and health care and now was the time to begin to get back that public confidence.