The ‘Hospedaje Solidario’ project offers respite and recovery to 10 people affected by cancer
4 june 2024
Recently, the Adeje councillor for health, Esther Rivero Vargas, met with the people who have benefited from the project, Hospedaje Solidario, which sees them granted a week’s free holiday in an hotel in Adeje, time for relaxation and enjoyment for cancer patients and a companion, and with the hotel director Charlotte Abildtrup.
Since 2017 the initiative has benefitted from the support of the Atlantic Holiday Hotel, in Callao Salvaje, under director Charlotte Abildtrup and they are collaborating again this year. Their contribution to the project is, says Rivero Vargas, “a reflection of the solidarity and commitment of the tourism sector with people who need a break given their health situation. This project highlights the value of healthy rest as part of the recovery process and contributing to the physical and emotional health of cancer patients”.
The project aims to increase the emotional well-being of people affected by cancer, including reducing stress, improving mood and increasing self-esteem. In this way, a week’s break in the hotel will allow them to recharge their batteries, and try to disconnect from their daily cancer-related problems.
The 10 beneficiaries, with cancer, are linked to the Spanish Association against Cancer and the Canarian Foundation Carrera por la Vida - Walk for Life, associations that were responsible for the selection of this special holiday plan, both with centres in Adeje.
‘Hospedaje Solidario’ is a project that was initially led by Charlotte Abildtrup, director of the Atlantic Holiday Hotel, and now, with Adeje council, is hoping to attract other hotels to the project to offer a week's holiday for people suffering from oncological processes and who need a few days of respite or rest, together with their family, partner or companion.