Adeje has created a training programme on road safety for schools

The objective of this initiative is to show the students the importance of complying with the rules regarding road safety, in cars, on scooters, etc.

23 april 2024
Adeje council’s department of safety, under Councillor Mercedes Vargas Delgado, has created a road safety training programme with school-goers included as the target audience, detailing issues of road safety and the use of electric scooters. Vargas Delgado points out that "road safety education is a fundamental part of our training as members of the public. The main aim of the programme is that students will also remind other members of their families of the importance of responsible road usage".
This project has been included in the educational programme "Geyser", a global and multi-departmental initiative that seeks to train students in different areas, allowing them to expand their overall knowledge. "Geyser" is managed by the department of education under Councillor Coraima Afonso Navarro. The students taking part are drawn from local primary and secondary schools.
The core of the training, given by the Adeje Local Police is about informing and establishing a conversation about rules and safety issues when it comes to road use and users.  Students will learn about the rules that need to be followed when riding an electric scooter, basic concepts of road safety education, the importance of respecting pedestrian crossings, types of traffic signs, what are the penalties if the rules are broken, and how to act if a conflict situation occurs on the road.
The training is about raising awareness and promoting positive habits and responsible attitudes as pedestrians, and/or drivers of all kinds of vehicles, as well as to assimilate the overall concept of road safety.