Adeje Council will host the final day of the SMART-ECO project

Events will take place on the 13th and 14th of November at the Costa Adeje Tourism Development Centre, the CDTCA

10 november 2023
Adeje Council, within the framework of the SMART-ECO project, will host the final days of the event on the 13th and 14th of November. This will bring together people and partners of the network for the last time,  to exchange learning and best practices. The meeting will take place at the Costa Adeje Tourism Development Centre (CDTCA).
Each territory will present the results of the project, actions developed and future expectations. Complementary coordination meetings will be held, as well as visits to the main business support infrastructures in Tenerife, including the CDTCA, the CTCan of Candelaria, and the facilities of the Development Society of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
SMART-ECO emerged as a tool to promote technological innovation, e-commerce and the internationalisation of companies. It was a unique opportunity for the Adeje Council to offer locally-based professionals and companies free expert advice on two fronts: on the one hand, the option of opening up their activity to foreign markets through e-commerce, and on the other, the option of innovation through the technological transformation of the business.
Companies had two options. 
  • For six months, a team of professionals will support companies in Adeje, through a diagnosis of their business, the proposal of technological solutions and the implementation of a tool to improve.
  • For six months, a team of professionals will support companies in Adeje through a diagnosis of their business, the proposal of e-commerce solutions and training for their sales force focused on internet sales.