Summer programmes for Adeje’s seniors come to an end

During the summer months there were physical and fun activities organised by the department for seniors

5 september 2023
The Adeje Department for senior citizens and quality of life, under councillor Esther Rivero Vargas, has been running a series of summer programmes, including ‘Ponte las Cholas’ (put on your sandals) and ‘Ponte en Forma’ (get into shape) which have kept older residents very active throughout the season. The councillor commented, “the activities contribute to our continued programme of healthy habits during summer months”. 
With ‘Ponte las Cholas’ activities took place each Tuesday and Thursday with groups divided into two session, morning and afternoon.  “We organised the programme so that as many as possible could enjoy the summer months, swimming and making the most of our beaches in Costa Adeje “, said Rivero Vargas. There were gym classes on the beach, adding to the beneficial side of the programme, walking on the sand and paddling along the shoreline too.  
The ‘Ponte en Forma’ programme saw different therapy and exercise sessions, working to prevent and assist in the health of our older residents.  Sessions were designed to improve functionality and quality of life, reduce stress and anxiety, and maintain good levels of cognitive function.  Activities took place in the plaza behind the basement of the Adeje Cultural Centre, where the department is also located. 
Until next summer!
People who had taken part in the beach activities enjoyed a ‘farewell to the summer’ event in the Parque Marítimo in Santa Cruz on August 31st.  Esther Rivero Vargas said, “the most important thing is that we continue to work on the physical and mental health of our older citizens, being here to meet their needs, and many of our activities will be on-going throughout the rest of the year”.