The 29th Adeje Summer University includes a course on the La Palma eruption

The university runs from July 14th to 22nd and offers 11 courses and 9 workshops

4 july 2022
The Adeje Summer University resumes in-house classes this year with a varied programme offering 11 courses and 9 workshops, dealing with topics from the La Palma eruption to mental health and wellness, the new labour law, and the arts. Each course is offered at a cost of €25 and runs over three days with classes in the mornings and afternoons at the Adeje Cultural Centre.  
There are courses on issues of communication and on anthropology from July 18th to 20th.  The course on the La Palma eruption runs from July 20th – 22nd under Professor María Candelaria Martín Luis.  On those same dates there is a course on the era of fake news.  
Other courses will examine the issues of equality in the workplace, the direction social services needs to take post-pandemic and the value of the arts in communications.
The university programme also includes 9 workshops, with a range of classes, from urban dance to mindfulness, the application of the new labour law on contracts in the workplace, and the role of sport in education.
Saludos, Gabinete de Comunicación