90 people will be getting a professional cert through Adeje training courses

At the moment the council is training people for 6 distinct professional certificates

29 june 2022
Adeje council’s department of economic development, under Raquel Rodríguez Alonso, is currently running 6 different professional courses, in cookery, beauty services, basic restaurant/bar work, kitchen assistant, basic bakery level 1 and level 2, with 90 students in all in attendance.
“Having a professional certificate is hugely important for those looking for work in these industries. It helps them enter the labour market and improves transparency in the work sector”, outlined councillor Rodríguez. 
The cookery certificate is awarded following 740 hours of theoretical training and 80 hours of practical work with a company. For those training in basic restaurant and bar work they will be completing 220 hours of theory and 80 hours in-house training.  
Basic kitchen operators will be undergoing 360 hours of class work and practise, and those in the bakery classes have committed to 420 hours and 510 respectively.  
In the beauty services course participants are learning and training for 360 hours, both theory and practical.  
All the certificate classes are designed to help the students find work when they have completed the courses, which are held in the CDTCD, the Costa Adeje Centre for Tourism Development.