The Las Torres pavilion and the Adeje youth group are supporting blood donations

The council is inviting people from the borough to join the ‘red energy’ brigade!

19 may 2022
This year Adeje is the official HQ for the annual blood drive, as nominated by the Canarian Hemotherapy Institute (ICHH), and has been launching a series of campaigns to encourage the local population to donate blood if and when they can and join the ‘red energy’ brigade.
This week the town’s department of youth is leading the drive, and many younger residents are going to the Las Torres pavilion to donate.
All blood donation events are under the direction of the ICHH, the Canarian blood donation institute and the Adeje Department of health, overseen by council Amada Trujillo Bencomo, herself a doctor. “Blood is the key element in any health system, and despite all the technological advances it is still only available through a voluntary system of donation and the willingness of the public to donate, which we need to keep hospital reserves full”, she commented.   She also thanked everyone, include many members of the Adeje council staff and fellow councillors, who had already donated. 
Every day up to 300 bags of blood are needed for medical purposes in the Canary Islands, and even though there may be some blood in reserve, the public are reminded that blood elements do have a limited shelf life, so regular public donations are vital for the system. 
The main mission of the ICHH is to continue to maintain a regular provision of blood for hospitals, but also  to change minds, encourage people to think about regular donations to guarantee and that there is always the blood needed to save lives.