€80,000 invested in the Adeje cemetery

The changes include renovations to the viewing rooms, and the operation of the municipal crematorium.

12 february 2022

The department of municipal services, under councillor Esther Rivero Vargas, have detailed recent spending in the municipal cemetery and ancillary services, including the erection of a new pergola, changes to the four viewing rooms and the operation of the municipal crematorium. New seasonal flowers have also been planted in the green zones.

“The Adeje cemetery is a part of our town that has as particular resonance with the public, and it is vitally important that it is kept in prime condition at all times”, commented the councillor.

The new pergola is in the main patio of the cemetery in front of the viewing rooms, offering more shade to those family and friends of a deceased person who may be visiting and paying their respects. There is also new furniture in the four viewing rooms, adding to the comfort of those who are with the family of the deceased prior to the funeral. Rivero Vargas said, “this is a time of grief for families and friends and it is important that we do what we can to make their time here as comfortable as possible”.

The crematorio, meeting a demand from the public in recent years, is now in operation, and began services last December. To date there have been 30 cremations, and the service is available to those too from outside the borough. The councillor added that the decision to build a crematorium here was in response to the changing needs of the multicultural population of Adeje and beyond. “We in Adeje want to be able to offer what is needed to those who have lost loved ones, allowing them to say goodbye with dignity, in peace and safety, which is why we decided to open this service here”.

The Adeje cemetery is maintained all year round, both the graves and the green zones and flower beds, and all zones are cleaned thoroughly regularly. The enclosure also includes a crypt, benches, a small hermitage and a church, and public parking.







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