The students are taking part in an alternative employment course organised by the CDTCA
11 may 2021
The Adeje programme PFAE (programme for alternative employment training) geared at younger people is currently running a training programme, Rompeola, on the different professions linked to the sea and maritime pursuits, in collaboration with the Los Cristianos Port Authority. Recently the students enjoyed a practical session at the port where professionals from different maritime areas shared their experiences.
For the councillor in charge of local economic development and employment, Raquel Rodriguez Alonso, “this training programme is excellent at showing students the kinds of employment available in this area as professionals in security and aquatic pursuits”. She thanked the professionals and members of the port authority who had taken part in the practical day for their time and willingness to assist in the practical training, under the guidance of the head of port operations, José Ignacio F. Verduras, as well as contributing to improving the potential employment opportunities in the sector.
On this occasion the students were able to see, first hand, the different security and emergency teams in place at the port, control of port and maritime traffic, the communications salon, the zone dealing with maritime contamination, seasonal protocols, port police and lifeguard boats, etc.
The PFAE project, Rompeola (Wave breaker), is an 11 month course training students to be water safety professionals. When the course is completed the students will be receiving a professional certificate which is recognised at European level.