Adeje Public Library reopening hours

The library will be open to the public soon, and there are also a number of online platforms users can access

15 may 2020
May 11 – 15, closed to the public:  Work is underway to reorganise the space in the library, establish protection measures to allow services to open.  
May 18 – 22, open from 9am – 2pm: Only for returns. Users can return items that had passed the 14 day mark during the quarantine. 
From May 25, open from 9am – 2pm.  We will begin loans with a prior appointment
Other measures
The lending period is extended to 30 days for all resources in the library.   Items/Works must be requested by users and found by members of the library staff, 
No free access to the stacks nor are users allowed browse the library shelves. 
Until we advise, the reading/press section, study zone, use of computers, activities, won’t be open to the public.
Recommendations, online services
We recommend users access the free online services the Canarian library network has on offer, 
BVirtual library absysNET Opac, where you will find a general catalogue, links of interest, tutorials, etc.
Book lending digital platforms eBiblio Canarias.
Film, music, documentaries digital lending platform eFilm Canarias.
The library is following the advice and protocols as laid down by the regional Department of Culture, and the technical commission of the Canarian Libraries network, for the progressive recovery of library services. 
We will let you know of any changes.
Telephone: 922711116 / 922756246