The Adeje department of Culture, under councillor María Clavijo Maza, have launched a new initiative, Trasmallo (Trammel) which will work to construct, instruct, promote and make visible a new idea bringing tradition and today’s reality together. The work will be on double platforms – instructive and participative.
The councillor commented, “This project uses the resources that we already have in the borough, bringing together actions and activities which different departments (culture, education, seniors and youth) are working on, and will also count upon residents participation as the cohesive element, one which helps tell us of our cultural heritage”.
‘Trasmallo’ is designed to work along two lines – traditional and actual. Both will adapt and contextualise along timelines. Different activities will be rolled out showing new creative programming in the borough, in painting, gastronomy, craftwork, music, creative writing workshops, allowing residents to take part in a spontaneous creative manner, adding to the overall initiative. The traditional side will be present in a range of activities, with a common thread being the celebration of Día de Canarias and other traditional festivals celebrated in Adeje.
“Creating virtual spaces where local culture can continue to grow and evolve will be like a meeting point for the people of the borough”, added the councillor. “We will also use social media as communication forums, with learning and participation tools and the activities which will have cultural and social character.”
With the ‘Trasmallo’ initiative the council hope to contribute to a reactivation of the commercial activity in the borough too with support for local businesses as part of the learning process. And local heritage also plays an integral part of the programme, underlining the value in recognising local traditions of Adeje.
‘Trasmallo’ has a number of activities already programmed. This Saturday May 9th at 6pm the council’s social media will become a stage for “Adeje cuenta and canta con Güicho”. This will be happening every Saturday during May. Another proposal is the making of a music video to celebrate May 30, Día de Canarias, with the participation of old and current members of the Adeje Folklore School.
Other events will include virtual exhibitions, Canarian gastronomy, global gastronomy, traditional games, creative writing, storytelling, ceramic making, local music, events for children, using wool, etc.