Direct lines of aid for small and medium businesses and the self-employed

The service is operating via telephone 922 75 62 49 and email, and

27 march 2020


Adeje council’s department for local development and employment has set up a direct line for assessment advice for small and medium businesses and the self-employed who are suffering or will suffer as a result of the economic crisis generated by the health pandemic. 
Following the recent statement suspending the municipal fiscal calendar, the borough’s mayor sent a message of support to the local businesses, workers and self-employed, the fabric of the local economy network.  “This crisis will pass, we will win the battle, and the small and medium enterprises as well as the self-employed will be hugely important in the reconstruction of the economic and social fabric of Adeje”.
As well as the national aid plan that has been put into operation the mayor said the council was going to offer all local business an advisory board that would help them in the recovery of their commercial activity, free of charge. 
The local plan will also see the establishment of channels of communication through which businesses can discuss any problems, doubts, proposals they may have.  “We will be acting as an intermediary between the local company, or individual with regional or national administrations, who are also setting up recovery measures for small and medium businesses and the self-employed”, said Mayor Rodriguez Fraga. 
On the council’s main webpage,,  there is already a section for businesses with questions and answers to a host of relevant questions, as well as resources for them to access, and, importantly, a questionnaire, easy to fill in, which the council would urge you to complete and send online, with the name of your company and location, contact details, information about the sector you are operating in, the number of employees, etc. These questionnaires are helping the department update and adapt their assistance programme to better meet the needs of the borough’s businesses. 
Online, as part of this tool, you can find links to other administrations offering assistance, such as the SCE, the Canarian Employment Service and the SEPE, the State Employment agency, as well as links to renew your unemployment benefit online, or sign up to the borough’s own job centre register. 
Finally, Rodríguez Fraga stated, “the time has come, we are taking the measures we need to take to suspend or postpone municipal payments and to help in the survival of your company, keeping the jobs that depend on these companies.  To fund this we have requested use of the budget surplus that is banked and which can be used to take direct measures to help local businesses and the self-employed and bolster against anything that may destroy the local economy and local jobs, instead investing in the economic recovery that we will undertake once this crisis has passed.”