29 may 2020
The council is continuing to ask the public to use common sense so that the beaches and bathing areas don’t become infection zones
24 may 2020
The Council is calling on everyone to behave responsibly to ensure that beaches and bathing zones will not become infection hotspots
22 may 2020
The measure is to allow 4,500 students take their exams in safety and has been approved by the government
21 may 2020
The office was reopened following an adaptation process to install security and hygiene measures for the protection of clients and workers – the online “aqualiacontact” service will continue to operate
12 may 2020
The budget incorporates €14.6 million to fund the fight against the crisis generated by the pandemic, and was approved by all except the PP representative who abstained.
11 may 2020
Funding for employment programmes and help for small business and the self-employed will increase by 270%, for education and training by 75% and social emergency by 35%
7 may 2020
After 7 weeks indoors deciding to go out and exercise has risks, so a few precautions for the general population have been outlined by the national sports council
7 may 2020
The Municipal Consumers Office in Adeje can help